Articles on: Integrations and Recommendations

PageFly Landing Page Builder

Meet our new partner - PageFly Landing Page Builder! We've added a new integration that will make it easier with your unique page design

To use the Pagefly app for your product pages, you should add the code provided below with this app instead of adding it to the .liquid template

File to edit: Sections/ product-template.liquid (or similar e.g. product-form.liquid)

The widget can be located anywhere on the page

Code to paste:

Widget for the Bundled product's page

<div id="mbcBundleItemsWidget"></div>

Widget for the Quantity Breaks

<div id="mbcBundleVolumeDiscount"></div>

Widget for the Bundle page

<div id="mbcBundleItems"></div>

Updated on: 25/09/2023

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