Step 3: Adding products or product variants to the bundle
You can add products to your bundle manually, or you can create a bundle based on AI-recommended products and Shopify recommendations.
Click ‘Add products’ button. In this case, you will open a list with all the products that you have in the store
Advice: Use the ‘Search products’ bar to quickly jump to the desired products
Select product and product options
Advice: In the ‘Product selection popup’, you can select only the variant instead of the product itself, if it’s necessary
For ‘Mix&Match’, ‘Buy X get Free’ patterns, you can click on the ‘Add mix&match product’ button and add products so that the customer can choose between these products;
For the ‘Collection type’ pattern, the product is an entire collection of products. You can also choose a collection of products as a product for a '1+1 Free' pattern;
For ‘PACKs’, you can add only one product with options;
Patterns, where the ‘Optional’ products feature is available, must include a minimum of 3 products. You can also specify which products are required, and the client won't be able to delete them.
Advice: You can combine identical products into one position using the function 'Combine identical elements into one position'
Click ‘See most & least selling products’ to create a balanced bundle
Advice: If you have selected a pattern that allows for the addition of two or more products, you can take advantage of the recommendation feature. This will enable you to easily add products to the bundle with a single click on the "Add Products" button.
Check the list of recommended products
The 'See most & least selling products' button. After clicking on this button, a popup with two lists will open. The first list "Most selling products" will display 5 products with the largest sales over the past 30 days. In the second list "Least selling products" you will see 5 products with the lowest sales over the past 30 days.

Then just click the ‘Add’ button
NOTE: You can reorder items in a bundle using the drag and drop interface:

To get to the next step of creating a bundle you should click the ‘Next step' button
Adding products manually:
Click ‘Add products’ button. In this case, you will open a list with all the products that you have in the store
Advice: Use the ‘Search products’ bar to quickly jump to the desired products
Select product and product options
Advice: In the ‘Product selection popup’, you can select only the variant instead of the product itself, if it’s necessary
Peculiarities of adding products for different types of patterns
For ‘Mix&Match’, ‘Buy X get Free’ patterns, you can click on the ‘Add mix&match product’ button and add products so that the customer can choose between these products;
For the ‘Collection type’ pattern, the product is an entire collection of products. You can also choose a collection of products as a product for a '1+1 Free' pattern;
For ‘PACKs’, you can add only one product with options;
Patterns, where the ‘Optional’ products feature is available, must include a minimum of 3 products. You can also specify which products are required, and the client won't be able to delete them.
Advice: You can combine identical products into one position using the function 'Combine identical elements into one position'
Adding products based on AI recommendations:
Click ‘See most & least selling products’ to create a balanced bundle
Advice: If you have selected a pattern that allows for the addition of two or more products, you can take advantage of the recommendation feature. This will enable you to easily add products to the bundle with a single click on the "Add Products" button.
Check the list of recommended products
The 'See most & least selling products' button. After clicking on this button, a popup with two lists will open. The first list "Most selling products" will display 5 products with the largest sales over the past 30 days. In the second list "Least selling products" you will see 5 products with the lowest sales over the past 30 days.

Then just click the ‘Add’ button
NOTE: You can reorder items in a bundle using the drag and drop interface:

To get to the next step of creating a bundle you should click the ‘Next step' button
Updated on: 01/08/2023
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