What are optional products in a bundle?
There are several ways in MBC Bundles that will allow your customers to create their own bundle from predefined products. One of them is optional products in a bundle. To create such a package, you need to select one of these patterns: Standard Bundle Mix&Match Extra features: You can specify which products in the bundle should be required: You can chooFew readersIs it possible to add a bundle to another bundle?
Unfortunately, this is not possible, since the inventory in this case will not work correctly, and also the widget of such a bundle may have problems with display.Few readersWhere to turn off/on upsell pop-up?
Upsell Popup is an important part of the strategy to increase sales and AOV. The purpose of this feature is to demonstrate the benefit of buying a bundle instead of one product individually when the customer adds it to their shopping cart. This feature is enabled by default when the app is installed. To disable it, go to the Upsell popup menu on the app dashboard and click 'Settings': (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cc90d47b30689000/snimok-ekrana-2024-09-11-vFew readersCan I add bundles in Google Shopping?
Certainly, customization is possible. Bundles generated through the MBC Bundles app do not possess individual SKUs, a deliberate measure for seamless product inventory management. However, Google Shopping encounters an issue when a product lacks a barcode, as the service mandates a barcode as a requisite indicator of product uniqueness. To navigate around this constraint, you can follow this step-by-step approach: Navigate to the Shopify admin panel and access the Custom Data menu. (htFew readersHow to use POS with Bundles?
How to use POS with Bundles? We are introducing our POS guide to MBC Bundles! 1. How to Access the MBC Bundles App in the POS? First, let's add the app to your screen. Follow these steps to do it! Open your POS app Click "Add tile" 3. Click "App" (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cc90d47b30689000/screenshot2025-03-06-12-13-31-10ar2Few readers
Bundle widget
How to choose on which page to show or hide the widget on bundled products pages
We at MBC Bundles have added a new feature that allows you to specifically select which product pages will display the bundle that you created. This can be done at any moment during the creation of a bundle or later with the editing tool. Simply by clicking on the 'Show Widget' feature underneath the product name, you will be allowing your client to see the bundle which includes said product; or you can choose to keep the bundle hidden. This feature is available for these types of buFew readersIs it possible to limit the transition to the product page from the bundle widget?
If you don't want the customer to be able to go to the product page that is included in the bundle, you can turn this off. Please follow this instruction: Open 'Widget Customization' menu Please click on 'Skip to Advanced settings' Scroll down to 'Advanced Settings' Then find 'Product' Disable 'Enable product link' ToggleFew readers
How do I add image and description to the Bundle with own page
Few readersHow do I hide the 'Sale' icon
How can I hide or change the Sale icon next to the bundle title on the bundle page or collection page? This icon is not related to the app. Nevertheless, some themes allow doing this via the customizer or custom theme editsFew readersIs it possible to hide or delete 'bundlevariant#1' mark on the checkout step?
Unfortunately, this label cannot be hidden, as it contains important information for the app to work correctly.Few readersCan all products in a bundle be required?
Yes, it's possible. This can be any type of bundle, except for a bundle that provides optional products (here you need to choose which products will be required and which will not) If the customer removes one of the products, then the discount won’t be applied. Or you can choose 'As one product in the cart’ type for the bundle with its own product page, so the customer won’t be able to delete products at allFew readersIs it possible to calculate the bundle discount from the compare-at-price only?
Due to technical limitations, it is impossible to apply a discount from compare at price to a bundle, rather than from the current price. If you need to display a discount on a bundle based on the initial (compare-at-price) price, then you can enable the compare at price in the discounts' selection fields and choose the discount itself so that the final price turns out to be the one you need. For example, if you need a 25% discount from compare-at-price, then you need to calculate what percentFew readersHow do my customers choose variants of the products when buying a bundle
You can add a product with variants to the bundle, so the customer could choose the variant of the product when buying a bundle Step 3: Adding products or product variants to the bundle Customer can select product variants in bundle widget, so please make sure that widget is enabled for your bundles. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cc90d47b30689000/screenshot-mbc-bundles-demomakhnt2Few readersHow do I remove the bulk of bundle text from the cart
In case your Combo bundle was set up with the One product at the cart option chosen, the bundle product properties are already hidden in the checkout: but unfortunately, our app is not able to hide them in the cart since it is related to the store theme: NeveFew readersHow to prevent customers from removing bundled products from the cart
Removing bundled products from the cart is impossible using the bundle with its own product page and a 'One product at the cart' option chosen Read more The difference between the bundle types is described in detail in the following aFew readersDigital (Downloadable) products
Below is a list of the types of bundles that can properly sell digital (downloadable) products along with the physical products (even in the same bundle): Also, you can find an explanation for the One Product / Multiple products at the cart option of the Combo bundle in the following article:Few readers